If you want to make your audience act, you have to speak their language.
Norwegian insurance company Gjensidige deal with complex insurance terminology every day. Their customers, however, don’t. Therefore, Gjensidige face a big and central challenge when communicating with their customers through letters and e-mails. They want to follow the laws and regulations in their professional field which is written in language only a lawyer would understand, but they also want their laymen customers to understand their letters. Often the customers need to take action, but that becomes difficult when you don’t understand what you are acting upon.
To deal with this challenge Gjensidige asked us to convert their good experience from Norway into a value in the Danish department. Their goal was to improve their customers’ understanding of their letters and e-mails from a number of different insurance professionals including lawyers and customer agents.
The solution we designed together
Based on the School of Gjensidige course in customer communication that was developed for the Norwegian department of the group, we designed a development track which enables the employees to
- Communicate in a language that is clear and customer oriented
- Deliver complex messages in an understandable way
- Write in a way that conveys the message in a simple manner
The course was based on Gjensidige’s eight principles for god written communication and it went into depth giving individual feedback on texts the employees brought in from the real world of insurance communication.
The outcome
After the course were able to write better using the tools they encountered at the course. Besides they were able to help each other enforce the writing standards by giving concrete and constructive feedback.