We work with an agile mindset and toolbox, constantly adapting our work to the fluctuating conditions in your organisation.
Get help when improving, implementing or changing the organisation. When you make a plan, we are the experts on getting it converted into the right behaviour, the right culture and results you strive after.
We work with all the soft areas around the operating models, the financial key figures, the organisational charts etc. and make decisions come to life by turning it into behaviour changing initiatives.

Defined by our people
Have you experienced the clash, when the company IT team starts implementing new agile solutions in the organisation? They often experience scepticism and a cultural clash with their colleagues in other departments. The same thing happens if and when the management wants new agile ways of working implemented. We can help implement the agile mindset and ways of working and smoothen the understanding between IT, management and the rest of the organisation.
What is our greater purpose? And why? That is often defined in some section of the main strategy and perhaps in lots of the marketing material. But do the employees feel the purpose in their everyday work? Do the managers communicate their decisions so they contain a clear why and connect to the purpose? We help create a storytelling around the purpose that is easy to implement and easy to connect with. And we also help you bring it to life in the organisation afterwards.
Why do we need a new strategy?’, ‘What does it have to do with my work?’, ‘I don’t have time to focus on strategy – I am working!’ are some of the responses you get when introducing a new strategy. And perhaps there was a reason that Martin Luther King said: “I have a dream” instead of “I have a 2025 strategy”. Most strategies or polices are made by management (perhaps with help from a strategy consulting firm) and after a townhall meeting about it, it is just ‘go do’. But that does not change the behaviour of the recipients. We can help you implement your strategy. Not only so that people understand it. Not only so that the organisational chart reflects it. But so that it is lived in the actions of the organisation.
Managers at all levels experience getting memos or proposals that are long and detailed. And sometimes despite that they don’t provide the relevant information for making a decision. Managers typically also spend too much time revising proposals before sending them up to the next management level – before they might finally end on a board meeting. A meeting where it might be more important to give an overview that creates the feeling that the organisation is in control and on top of things (risk, compliance, IT security etc.) than providing all the details. We can help create information flows that optimise crisp decision making without too much or too little information. And saves time by not having to revise internal documents as much and having a better feedback flow (supporting a learning organisation).
Compliance and risk management are typically seen by most employees (and perhaps also managers) as a barrier preventing us from reaching our strategic goals. Part of that is because the compliance communication and implementation are detached from the master storytelling. Who has ever heard the head of sales talk about compliance as a benefit for the company? Most companies pride themselves on being thorough, professional and taking good care of their clients (they may even be ‘customer centric) – and that fits nicely with compliance and risk management. We can help you connect the dots and make sure that focusing on compliance and risk is seen as a natural part of the master strategy and story.
Imagine being one of your colleagues. No, not the one doing almost the same as you or at the same level of the organisation. But one of the ones you almost don’t know what is doing. Then imagine how many different messages will hit them in a month: About the main strategy. About the division strategy. About the sales and marketing initiatives. About compliance and how to live up to that. About the team’s must win battles. And probably a lot more. Imaging what they might think: ‘How is it interlinked?’, ‘What do I as an employee have to do differently today?’, and ‘what if the compliance and policies hinder my sales – which is more important? We can help you interlink your messages and simplify the complexity. This will also significantly increase the chances of getting the behavioral change you want.