All leadership goes through communication.
When leaders want to drive progress and change, whether it be in a meeting or on a soap box, the ability to communicate with credibility, persuasiveness, and effectiveness are vital. Therefore, Middelfart Sparekasse, a successful financial institution, wanted to focus on communication at their annual leadership summit. The bank wanted to enhance their leaders’ ability to execute changes by exploring change scenarios the leadership was facing.
They therefore identified three key disciplines that they wanted inspiration for and training in
- Change communication
- The soap box speech
- Meeting facilitation
The solution we designed together
Along with executives at the institution we designed an intensive day of training. Starting with an inspirational talk we moved on to plenary discussions of leadership communication before heading into three workshops where the leaders got hands-on training and feedback in the three disciplines.
The outcome
The company leaders had their eyes opened to the impact of communication on their leadership skills, and in a short amount of time they were able to train and try out now communication techniques which they were able to implement into their daily routines with minimal effort.